Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nuts and Bolts of Resource Department

Who Is an Exceptional Student?

The Education Act defines an exceptional student as “a pupil whose behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that he or she is considered to need placement in a special education program…” Students are identified according to the categories and definitions of exceptionalities provided by the Ministry of Education and Training.

What are Special Education Services?

Special education services are defined in the Education Act as the facilities and resources, including support personnel and equipment, necessary for developing and implementing a special education program.

What is a Special Education Program?

A special education program is defined in the Education Act as an educational program that:
Is based on and modified by the results of continuous assessment and evaluation
Includes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) containing specific objectives and an outline of special education services that meet the needs of the exceptional pupil.

What is an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?

All children learn differently. Program accommodations and/or modifications may be incorporated into a formalized IEP which focuses on the child’s strengths and areas of need. The IEP is developed by the Special Education Department with input from the subject area teachers and the parents. It must include:

Specific educational expectations
An outline of the special education program and services that will be received
A statement about the methods by which the student’s progress is reviewed.
For students 14 years and older a plan for transition to appropriate post-secondary school activities, such as work, further education, and community living.

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